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Release your Ublime!

If you need so fast a toiltet click in the SEARCH TOILET button and share you ubication. But, if you only want to check our web application stay here and start with about Ublime.

Click on the button

nice toilet.jpg

Barcelona University research reveals that a mobile phone has more germs than a toilet.


About Ublime



Ublime is an democratic application web that help you to find a public toilet closer to yo, but, if you prefer a better toilet with a lot space, best toilet paper, and it doesn't smell like a toilet; Ublime can solve that for you. Do you have an space or a restroom/toilet that you think will be a best restroom/toilet in your area please register this in the Register bottom.

Check Ublime Repository:

How to do it?



That's Ok, send to our team a email with your comments, don't worry you can write anything, but rememberg! be polite and respectful.

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